BL8TN offers group style fitness training. Every session is one hour long and begins with a dynamic warm-up, followed by weight training. Every day is different and challenging! Clients are guaranteed to experience a unique and effective work-out each time. At BL8TN we believe in maintaining a fun and positive atmosphere. When you walk into the gym, leave your worries at the door and get ready to work.

BL8TN is more than a name, it represents the journey that has led me to where I am today.


B= Better. Better represents the new changes I have made in my life.

L= Late. Late reflects back on my childhood. Growing up, I learned that in life, it is important to never be late. However, I also learned that it is more important to do something late, rather, than never at all.

8= Represents a new chapter opening in my life. For those who believe in God, He died on the 7th day and on the 8th day He resurrected and a new life began. I use this to look at my past and how I started with nothing, but overcame these circumstances and transformed them into a new beginning.

T=Than. Than also represents thankful. I am truly thankful for all of the blessings I have encountered in life. I started with nothing, but, I found the strength to find my purpose in life. I am thankful for everyone who has been a part of this journey.

N=Never. Never stands for a reminder to never give up in life. No matter what the circumstances are, have faith and always believe. 

-Tevin Favor



I have a passion for helping others achieve the goals they never thought they could reach. My motive is to make you think it’s a party, rather than a workout. I do this through the upbeat music and positive atmosphere maintained in the gym. Fitness should be much further than what happens in the gym, it should be a lifestyle. Life’s a Celebration, treat everything as if so. Smile, laugh, and enjoy the opportunity of being alive.

-Tevin Favor, founder and CEO of BL8TN

Tatum Bixler

Hey my name is Tatum Bixler and I believe that fitness and exercise can change a person physically, mentally and emotionally. Every day we have the opportunity to better ourselves and push ourselves past the limits our minds set. I am a firm believer in investing in your health and wellness. Working out is more than a desirable physique; it is a life changing step towards self-improvement and increased self esteem. My goal is to not only teach you the proper form and technique but to also show you the benefits fitness has on our mental health, mood and energy. Let’s work! 

Lucas James

Celebrity personal trainer, Lucas James is one of the nation’s premier fitness trainers, with over 10,000 hours of personal training experience in Scottsdale, AZ. He’s worked with some the most influential executives, doctors, prominent families, models, and athletes on the West Coast. James’s success and credibility stem from his medical and healthy lifestyle approach to helping his highly successful clients balance their health, work, family, and stress. “My staff and I analyze my client’s nutrition, stress, sleep, blood work, medical history, lifestyle and many other factors create a custom program that’s tailored for long-term success, stress-free and convenient. “Lucas was awarded “Best Personal Trainer” by Arizona Foothills Magazine and Modern Luxury Magazine and has been a staple in the fitness industry for the past 10 years. 

Serina Alashi

“Hi there!

I am Serina, the founder of Mind Body Gainz Fitness, an online coach and trainer, out of Bl8TN Fitness – Scottsdale, AZ. I graduated with a Bachelors of Science in Psychology and hold multiple fitness and nutrition certifications.

My passion is sharing the gift of fitness with all of you. I believe that fitness goes beyond the physical transformations we achieve. If implemented correctly, the positive effects on the mind, soul, and physique are truly limitless!

Throughout my journey, I have tried numerous methods in the pursuit of various fitness goals. In the end, I built a lifestyle that allows me to achieve mental, physical, spiritual health and fulfillment.

A combination of dedication and balance allowed me to leave behind the extreme and unenjoyable “diets” and workout programs. I replaced these with a lifestyle of sustainable nutrition and consistent workouts that I enjoy!

My program emphasizes compassionate discipline and allows my clients to discover a balance of nutrition and workout intensity that fits their lifestyle by understanding their personal psychology. This approach will allow you to still eat the foods you enjoy, have free time to spend on things other than fitness, and achieve sustainable results.

Please reach out if you have any questions or are ready to start your journey today!”

Emily Metzler

Hey everyone! My name is Emily Metzler! I am a big believer of when you feel good you do better in life. A healthy lifestyle isn’t just about lifting heavy, it’s about stretching, taking care of your body and eating clean. I am passionate about showing others what their body’s are capable of and achieving the best version of you. When you exercise you start to notice changes not just physically but mentally too. Make yourself proud, and put yourself first! 


7540 East 6th Avenue
Scottsdale, Arizona

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Tevin Favor (602) 577-1086

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